큰집렌트/ 골프장안에 위치 Valley GolfC
발리골프장내 별장/ 및 대가족용/ 30명 이상수용가능함 0917 875 2144/ 카톡아이디;jameslim21c, jamesli22c 한국번호 010 5389 6178 카톡사용 통화가능함 # 1 St. Luke st, Easter Hts Valley Golf Cainta Rizal 1900 Philippines Which is TATAL AREA OF LOT 951 SQM 6 car garage, 1 small driver’s quarters, garden with flowers and fruits-bearing trees, 1 large caretaker’s quarters (with bathroom), Half - court basketball space, gazebo, fish pound with cascading mini-falls, 2,000-gallon capacity deep -well water tank, tile roof design. TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF HOUSE 723 SQM GROUND FLOOR: 324 SQM _ Clean Kitchen, dirty kitchen, Dirty Pantry, Clean Pantry, Dining Room, Guest Room, Den, Living Room, Powder Room, storage Room (under staircase), 1Driver’s quarter, All -imported floor and bathroom tiles, Gypsum board ceiling. SECOND FLOOR: 324 SQM All room and bathroom BASEMENT: 75 SQM With adjoining maid’s quarters, 1 bathroom. Caretaker House 30sqm Rental Fee per month will be 120,000 pesos excluding Subdivision dues, cable, internet, water, meralco bills .